Tuesday, March 10, 2009


It kind of sucks, time is going by so fast, when I know I don't want it to. I do and i don't, but in the wrong places. I want time to slow down, Bayani is getting SO big so fast, she's a little chunker...fat rolls on her wrists, it's so cute :) But she is still growing up fast. Tony left on March 6th to go play in the desert until March 29th for Military training. On April 2nd we will be leaving for California for a week to see his family, none of them but one has seen Bayani, and all of them obviously want to see Tony before he leaves....in late May/June 1st. His paper work says June 1st, but I am sure they will want him to report to where ever a week before or more. That is another reason why I want time to slow down. After he gets back, I literally have 7 weeks or less to spend with him before he goes to Baghdad.

12 months is a very long time. Time. It's always about time. EVERYTHING is about Time. You are either waiting for time to go by, wanting time to faster, wishing time would slow down, or stop. It's always about time.

And sadly, I wish time would speed up, too. I want Tony to hear Bayani say "dada". I would LOVE for to tell him "I love you daddy" but I know we have a long time before that happens. But for her to say 'dada' before he leaves. A girl can dream, I guess ~