Tuesday, December 07, 2004

And the fun continues

And the fun just continues...my job still sucks, Tony's car still doesn't work, and it seems that my LOVELY friend Ginger still enjoy picking fights that she took the wrong way about like 2 weeks or more ago. And now she decides that I think she's into drugs and is violent and crap like that. She believes that I think she is a bad person.

Well hell, maybe I am the bad person.

You need to believe me. I am pretty sure that I've never lied to you. It's not a conspiricy. The world is not against you. I promise.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Well, lets see, where to start...as much as i'm afraid i actually admit this, but i learned something, Ginger Marrie, and it is that I now know how you feel. You feel i've ditched you in a way i assume? Well, Sarah sunshine has also ditched me. Since she decided to get pregnant and move out of Tony's house, i've talked to her 2 times in the last 3 or more weeks since she's moved out. The first time was when i was bored because i locked my keys in my car, but she only talked to me for like 20 seconds and said "can i call you back?" then never did. the second time was when tony expressed my displeasure towards her ignoring me, and so her and tom decided to come over and FINALLY get her fish, she and tom were there maybe 5 minutes and hey, they had to go. Hmm, go figure. And that was like a week and a half ago. I havn't talked to her since. So, i now know how you feel. And i am sorry.

HA. I said it. I am sorry, Ginger, what i've been doing is bull shit. And even when we do become better friends, because i think we will, if i don't call you as much as i should, is probably because i have been busy. And the reason i didn't talk to you as much did have a large reason to do with tony not liking you. and i guess it was all from that stupid night when you asked me to come hang out with you and like 4 other guys but you didn't invite him. I THINK. I'm not sure if that's why or not. if i were to ask, he'd be like "hello, you know the answer to that..." and not say anything. and if i were to persist, he'd be all bitchy.

But, the whole point i'm making. I'm sorry. i feel bad. Go figure.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

People can be so much fun...

Have you ever known somebody to be so paranoid as to think that everything you say or do or even did in the past was all a lie? Well, i know somebody who seems to be incredibly paranoid. Let me explain: lets say that you have a friend who just moved out of the house you were at. He came by because he needed to get a few more things that he forgot. And you were asked by a friend (the friend that own the house) to get something out of her car for her. So you do, and you noticed that the guy who forgot a few things got a ride by somebody you didn't recognize, expecially since it was dark out. So you took a mili-second glance and not think anything of it, get the thing out of the car and go back inside. When you get back inside, you ask the guy "Who gave you a ride here?" And he reply's "Ginger and Jordan." Stunned to hear his response, you ask "The Ginger i know??" And he says yes. You think "Whoa, how nice, she's here and she doesn't even come in and say "Oh, HI." Then seconds after the guy leaves, you get a call from her bitching you out. Too bad she's so paranoid to listen to anything you have to say, even if she did listen, she wouldn't have believed you anyway.

Just like today, she somes on line, and she says "Why is it when you get on line, i gotta get off line." You say "i'm sorry," since you had intentions to straighten the previous paranioa problem out. Then she says, "Don't lie." Now how do you think she would know if you were lying or not? Oh. She didn't. Just like when she starts to believe that your and her's past friendship was all a total lie. Oh, yeah, i just spent like 8 years of my life with some chick i didn't really like, i just liked wasting my time with her, and telling her my thoughts that i wouldn't tell anybody else, oh, maybe it was because that's all bull shit! Why would it be a lie? Why would I waste my time? Oh, i know. Maybe she needs to get over her paranioa. It's starting to piss people off.

I am not a Liar. Don't ever point fingers and accuse somebody of something until you know the truth. Hypocrit.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Why does this remind me of a Soap Opera?


Lately, it seems that there is someone out there who is mocking my entire life. Telling me I am doing one thing, when I'm not. Only I can tell myself what I can do, and what I'm doing. I wouldn't think if bull-shitting 8 or more years of a friendship. What kind of drugs are you on that would make you think that I would lie away 8 years of a friendship? Are you on drugs? Or are you really a friggin' mentally unstable person? Well, let me you something I have been procrastinating to tell you for a while now; YOU NEED HELP. Your entire thought process is so incredibly messed up, how you think or how you come up with conclusions of situations that havn't even happend yet, is pointless and messed up. And how you refuse to say sorry unless you mean it; that I agree with, but you need to realize that when you do something stupid, you need to suck it up, let your guard down and appologize. And the whole bullshit about your test. Why the hell would you test me? Even if we weren't on steady ground, why would you? What is the point? And if you cry wolf too much, I wouldn't believe a word that comes out of your mouth. Jordan has pulled so much bullshit on me that i have no point in listening to him or believe him anymore. And, by the way, if Sarah called you and said "Miranda got in an accident, her legs are stuck under the car!" you'd be like "bullshit. You're lying to me." You wouldn't believe her.

And now you've failed my test. Reguardless, if we were in a fight, or if I called you more than you called me, and was pissed that you never called me, I still would've called you on your 18th birthday. Thank you.

Reguardless if I smoke, or don't call you, or if I have put other obligations before calling you, you need to understand that one of the reasons that I don't call you as much as you wish me too, is because I have been starting to believe within the last few months that you just might be crazy. I miss the old Ginger that existed before Terry, before 12th grade, before I dated Josh even. But since the first thing you'll do now is either go write your own blog, or you'll come up with some odd situation that makes no actual connection with real life. Take your pick.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Catching up...

Well, you'll never believe it...I have so much to catch up with...well, lets see, I graduated, go me, I got engaged to Tony Librojo, whom I love so much, I got my car back on June 12th, then lost it last Wendsday because I cracked a head gasket...but found a red 1993 Saturn SC2 for $1800 and the same amount of insurance as my p.o.s. 1990 Olds Cutlas Supreme, which is good, but all I gotta do is pay my parents back eventually from buying me the car, which also means I really need to get a job, which I'm looking for now...yay. go me.

School for my fiancé and my best friend has started, my cousin went away (far, far away) to college *we miss you, charlotte* along with most of my other friends who graduated...so I am the one who gets to sit at home and do nothing accept chores while everybody is at school. Great fun.

Anyways, bored, tired, and I got stuff to do. ADIOS~

Thursday, May 27, 2004


It was the funniest thing...yesterday, May 26th, I decided to pull a great prank...since i'm a senior and all...what I did, I was sitting out in a friend of mine's car, Kristi, just chilling with her and Jordan, and I noticed this kid's car, a kid I don't like, because he screwed my life over...well, this stupid kid, called TOM, decided to make the mistake and leave his p.o.s. car unlocked...so I got into it and decided to mess with the fuse box...I unplugged his ignition and his battery, and took out 2 fuses...the gauges, and this big metal one that said something about "WDO", and since I didn't know anything about cars, I just took the fuses, put them in an envelope labeled "FUSES" and hid them in his car. I left him a note saying:


I thought it was funny. Then he called me on the way home and started yelling at me, saying "I know it was either you, Sarah, Kristi, or Tony, and if you don't tell me, I'm going to put all of your names on the police report..." So i ended up telling him it was me, and that he couldn't do anything about it anyway, because I didn't hurt anybody, or anything, and I didn't steal anything either. I saw his dad at work last night, and he was walking up to me slowly, giving me this glare...I asked him what the glare was for and he said "oh, like you don't know..." I said "well duh I know, I did it...and i thought it was funny!!!" then he was like "yeah, so did I, that was awesome...you got some points for that one..." So it ended up that his own dad thought it was funny. HA! Then i saw Tom this morning, and he told me to stay the f**k away from his car, and I said "Oh my god, Tom, even your dad thought it was funny. How about you get a sense of humor." Then he walked off. So we'll see what he does later today. HA HA I LAUGH AT HIM, WHAT A GREAT DAY IT WAS!

Friday, May 21, 2004


Yes, BLAH~

The end of the year- and entertaining time, even though it is sad...*tear* I only have 4 1/2 days of school left of my senior year, then I'm out on my own, where it is scary, and they might eat me...One of my best friends was writing recently, how it is such a sad time, because you may never see any of the people you grew up with again. I agree, it's so incredibly HEAVY on your mind that you may never see these people again, the people who may have made fun of you, or picked on you, or threw change at you in the lobby, because they thought it was funny...or you grew up with, went through that stupid computer class in 8th grade with, while listening to *NSYNC's "Bye Bye Bye" all hour because you recorded that tape so many times on a tape it would just repeat over and over again...until you turn around and accidently rip the head phones out of your tape player and then every body hears "BYE BYE BYE!" and then that one snob on the other side of the row (Ed) then starts laughing at you, but then continues to sing it for the rest of the period...or that chick from health, wellness and careers class also in 8th grade...she sat in front of me, and every day, she'd find something to rat me out on...like how she said "Ms. Lamke, Miranda has like 8 notes on her desk, and they're all for ginger..." (ginger sat on the other side of the room cuz we talked too much...and for some reason, since she was in my class, I always had more to say so I wrote it down)

Wow, so many memories...I will miss this stupid friggin school.