Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Everybody go buy a car!

The reason I say that is this: If you work for a company that makes something that could go from high demand, to low demand, they will lay you off. Like car parts for example...sometimes sales are up, sometimes they are down. Right now they are down. Which means everybody who works for a company that makes those car parts, aren't needed to make the parts. Like me. 4 FRIGGIN WEEKS. Apparently, we are not needed for 4 weeks. Ok, I am not needed for 4 weeks. Jimmy will be working atleast tonight, I believe they will be laying off everybody eventually, but not yet...4 weeks of no money. I already have very little food in my house, how am I suposed to put food in my house with no money? How am I supposed to feed my cats with no money? How is this suposed to work? I NEED A NEW JOB THAT WON'T LAY YOU OFF EVERY 2 OR 3 MONTHS WHEN THEY AREN'T BUSY. This sucks. 4 weeks of being home not making money. I need to find something to do.


Friday, September 08, 2006


Vitamins are good for you. They keep you healthy. I did not take that advise when I should've. I am sick. 2 days ago it felt like somebody had rubbed sand paper all over my throat. But other than that, basically the right side of my face has had it the worst...my right eye does nothing but water, and my right side is really congested. I feel like crap. And working every day while feeling like crap makes me feel even more like crap. This sucks. Take your dang vitamins. Wash your hands. Don't kiss sick people. Don't lick doorknobs. Or grope a doorknob then lick your hand. Don't let people cough in your face. Besides, people who cough in your face aren't very nice. How rude.

It is Frontier Days here in my small town, and just in case it's not just Ginger or somebody who knows me that is reading this, Frontier Days is just a time when people sell more "fair" type food and little crappy expensive nick-naks, and I think there is a rodeo tonight, and there's a parade tomorrow, which I have to be in; since daddy owns the local bycicle shop, he ended up getting a spot in the parade and so we (daddy, momma, cousin Matt, probably other cousins, local kids who go to the shop alot, Tony, and Me, and maybe, if he'll let me, we'll get Sarah and Hayley involved...) will be riding our bikes in the parade. Apparently Tony and I (according to daddy) are going to be riding the tandum (2-seater bike) and towing the sign that says the name of the bike shop on it with phone number, ect. I'm not sure if I am going to be comfortable riding with Tony though, not because I don't trust him, but I know that it is hard to be the "driver", expecially with the extra weight...since it's going to be 2 people; it's hard to steer. But tonight we'll be going over to my dads to figure out of we can do it or not, or maybe we'll just be riding our bikes seperately. I don't know yet. I'm tired. I think I'll go to bed now.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

my thumbs hurt :(

Hello, people who don't really read my blog...it is I, the totally awesome Miranda once again here to save the world....or not....Anyways, I know it's been forever since I've actually gotten a chance to be on here, and I know nobody really reads this anyway, but like the totally spifftastic ginger marrie once said, "my life should be a book, this stuff should be written down!!!" So I am doing so...not a whole lot has happend, accept for these few things:

* Sarah and Hayley came home beginning of June...not sure if I've told you that already...but that's not the point...the point is that she went down to Texas for 10 days...and aloud Tom to have the benefit of the doubt in Illinois to have Hayley for that period of time...well, needless to say, Tom was an ass hole and decided that Sarah couldn't have Hayley back...this was all in July...well, somewhere around August 20th, Sarah finally went down to accidentally go steal Hayley back...and now they are both here...Oh yeah, and Sarah got into Butternut Creek, which is awesome, and she's going to work first, and getting paid for it, and the same people doing the work first thing is also going to help her graduate. Which rocks.

* I got hired in at Titan on August 7th. So instead of making $7.90 an hour, I make $8.40 an hour...until like either 60 or 90 days then I get another 50 cents...oh yeah...And I think...unofficially...as of September 1st, Titan was (un)officially under new management...We sold the place FINALLY so I think they took over on the 1st. WOW.

*Tony's birthday is the 12th. I'm not sure what the hell I'm even going to get him, or what we will do, but I have what, 11...10 days to figure that out? GREAT. Anyways, he wants a new cordless power drill thingy that gonna cost the poor, but totally awesome Miranda like $55 or more. Depends on if I want the less crappy one, or the even lesser crappy one...not sure how crappy or un-crappy I'm willing to go...and he mentioned a movie...IF YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS FOR HIS 18TH BIRTHDAY, LET ME K NOW...he didn't really seemed interested in a strip club...Sarah and I said that first thing-thinking that that's what every 18-year-old guy would want...but he kinda made a funny face at that so hey, fine with me.

* We finally got cable and internet at the house...oh yeah, and a phone line, it's quite nice being able to stay home and play on Rebecca's lap top...it's still kind of hers, she still has to erase all her crap on here....then it can be ours...oh yeah.

* Still haven't gotten that darn tatoo, can't afford it untill Tony gets his awesome job....which HE BETTER GET LIKE THE DAY AFTER HIS 18TH BIRTHDAY...but some day...I will...

And I had a thought...eh, Ginger, I'll just tell you later...anyways...I'm going to go play somewhere else now....fingers hurt from yesterday...I burnt my fingers while foaming at a press....and my thumbs hurt horribly from pressing so hard in the little creases of the foam to make it all stay down...my thumb nails are bruised...or the skin under the nails...thumbs are quite sore....ok I'm going now...BYE

I love me