Tuesday, November 23, 2004

People can be so much fun...

Have you ever known somebody to be so paranoid as to think that everything you say or do or even did in the past was all a lie? Well, i know somebody who seems to be incredibly paranoid. Let me explain: lets say that you have a friend who just moved out of the house you were at. He came by because he needed to get a few more things that he forgot. And you were asked by a friend (the friend that own the house) to get something out of her car for her. So you do, and you noticed that the guy who forgot a few things got a ride by somebody you didn't recognize, expecially since it was dark out. So you took a mili-second glance and not think anything of it, get the thing out of the car and go back inside. When you get back inside, you ask the guy "Who gave you a ride here?" And he reply's "Ginger and Jordan." Stunned to hear his response, you ask "The Ginger i know??" And he says yes. You think "Whoa, how nice, she's here and she doesn't even come in and say "Oh, HI." Then seconds after the guy leaves, you get a call from her bitching you out. Too bad she's so paranoid to listen to anything you have to say, even if she did listen, she wouldn't have believed you anyway.

Just like today, she somes on line, and she says "Why is it when you get on line, i gotta get off line." You say "i'm sorry," since you had intentions to straighten the previous paranioa problem out. Then she says, "Don't lie." Now how do you think she would know if you were lying or not? Oh. She didn't. Just like when she starts to believe that your and her's past friendship was all a total lie. Oh, yeah, i just spent like 8 years of my life with some chick i didn't really like, i just liked wasting my time with her, and telling her my thoughts that i wouldn't tell anybody else, oh, maybe it was because that's all bull shit! Why would it be a lie? Why would I waste my time? Oh, i know. Maybe she needs to get over her paranioa. It's starting to piss people off.

I am not a Liar. Don't ever point fingers and accuse somebody of something until you know the truth. Hypocrit.

1 comment:

GingaVitis said...

Miranda, you obviously dont really want to remember how i am. If you could think back to when you WERENT sticking your nose in the air at me, you would remember that i said that alot. when someone said something like that i would say dont lie as something to say. i didnt really mean it. it's not like you knew that i was about to get off line.