HAPPY BIRTHDAY MA SOEUR!!! I hope that is correct, I looked it up, according to Yahoo! "Babel Fish" that's what they told me "my sister" means so whatever...please correct me if I'm wrong.
I have been looking forward to my 22nd birthday, I know the whole time I'm 22 it will never be "really bad", (life, that is)...I guess it's because 2 is my favorite number, so 22 is just as awesome, so I figure the age of 22 will rock...I know, it's kind of weird...
NOT THE POINT...GINGER MARRIE, have a totally frickin awesome birthday, hope you have a really really happy day, I hope it rains for you and you see some totally weird animal you wanted to see, and I hope your rabbit tries it's hardest to look cute for you, and I hope David makes you dinner, and I hope you win the lottery, even if it's only $20, and I hope you magically get a phone call from an employer you really want a job from and they give you a job where you do what you like to do and get paid a lot to do it, and there are no stupid people there to bug you. There. That's my birthday wish for you.
Totally random, but there was a slight pause between the last paragraph and this one, I decided to "tidy up" the front of the bike shop...I had put together a men's cypress in the front of the shop yesterday, and never took care of the box. I then recall the fact that my grandma wants a bike box to put her cakes on for grandpa's 75th birthday this weekend, she had apparently gone to several stores looking for the thicker things to put her cake(s) on, and none of them were big enough, so she asked for a bike box, since they're thick and big...................which brought me to the question; Why would she need one so big? Is she making a life-size cake of grandpa?? I giggled when I thought that, those bike boxes are really big. If I wasn't so wide right now, I could easily fit into one with space to move around in.
There is a lot going on this weekend, Round Table is Friday, the "Wall that Heals" will be here Friday through part of next week, (that's the 1/2 scale model of the Vietnam wall, btw) Tony and my dad have volunteered to work security at the wall on Saturday, I think ironically they will be working the same shift, so at least they'll have somebody to talk to. Also, apparently, Jessica and her son will be in Charlotte this weekend, it is somewhere near Donovan's birthday, so there is going to be a birthday party for him out at Gerry's house on Saturday. Sunday I believe is the party at Camp Francis for grandpa, wow, 75, wasn't aware he was that old...also not the point...
Well, that's enough for today, again, Ginger Marrie, have a good birthday, and tell Neil I told him happy belated birthday, have fun being a classic :D
yes ma soeur, that is correct. i am having a comfortable birthday...except for this damn heat, it's record highs for this time of year (106 or something) and NO rain...:() but other than that I am happy. i would like one of ma's cakes but david's mama will have to do. she's a bit happier...dont tell anyone i said that... this is the year i hear "double deuce!!" woo!
Thanks for the B-day wish. Are you going to Donovan's party?
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