Last night Tony was watching one of the 742 SAW movies (OK, like 5, but whatever) and in the movie, the bad guy had 2 other guys locked in a room, and then had one of the guys wife and kid tied up with him. The bad guy said married guy had to shoot the other guy by a certain time and he would let his family go...he didn't. But that's not the point. The wife had wiggled free, pretended to still be tied up, then took the bad guy by surprise and got his gun. Then she pointed it at him and said "DON'T MOVE!!!" like 8 times. Then something happened, I wasn't really paying attention, and HEY! THE BAD GUY MOVED!!! There was a struggle, somebody else showed up, blah blah blah...but it made me think......
If, say, somebody was holding me at gun point, and magically I got his gun from him, I would not just point it at him until somebody showed up to restrain the bad guy. Something stupid could happen and he will try and chase you and get his gun back! You could sneeze. BOOM, he tackles you. The door slams and and you look for 1/4 of a second. BAM, he still tackles you. Now what would I do different, you ask?
He won't chase you anymore. Even if you move the gun, and put it down next to you for a second. He isn't going anywhere. I promise.
So, my point is, if I'm ever in such an unlikely and random situation, I will absolutely shoot the guy in the knee cap. Problem solved. That is all.