Saturday, August 18, 2007

Sadness Flows...

Well, the first sad thing that is happening to me is that my Tony left me. It makes me sad. He left on August 15th...technically...on the 14th, we had to drive him to Lansing to the Quality Suites, because the army wanted him there over night so then the next morning when they want him up at 5 am so they can go to the MEPS center (that's where they give them their physical and such...) they will totally be there when they want them too very early the next morning. But whatever the case, on the 15th, he got shipped off to the air port at about 1pm, and we got to go see him...even though his flight wasn't going to leave until 5pm, but we had to go, so I cried of course, it was sad, and even Tony Watkins asked me if I was going to be alright. And go figure, the next day, I was sitting in my room trying to get my mind off him by cleaning out the junk drawer and my phone goes off saying I have a message from a funny phone I call my voice mail and it was totally Tony. Go Figure. But my phone didn't ring!! IT'S NOT MY FAULT!!! Anyways, on-ward with the sadness...

I'm sorry David, but my Ginger Marrie was supposed to come home Friday night/Saturday morning. And as I've told at least 2 people, the whole "Ginger come home" thing isn't just for me, it's for her, I tried to look at the entire thing in 3rd person...I want Ginger to be happy, and for the past I don't know how long, Ginger has not been happy. And it is very possible that David is just saying whatever the hell he can to keep you there, he may promise that he'll change, and it will be different, PROMISE PROMISE PROMISE. And that may last for a week. Maybe even two. Then the Ginger will say "Shit, I should have taken that flight when I had the chance. Now I'm broke and homeless and in a horrible relationship with an ass hole."

But would you like my personal opinion? And I even hope David reads this some day. My opinion is that David, I hope you do change. I hope you can live up to what Ginger deserves. Because all I want is for Ginger to be happy, and guess what? She told me for quite some time that she wasn't and it was because of you. Maybe you should get your head out of your selfish ass and move back towards Michigan. Do you know anybody in Ohio? How about Indiana? God, even Pennsylvania! So then your stubborn ass won't be in Michigan like you apparently don't want to be, but you're also not keeping Ginger too far away from the people that she cares about OTHER than you! Don't be so greedy! And I'm not saying that just because I want to see her, what about her mom? Neil? Gramma? Everybody, especially since Gramma Schneider isn't doing too well lately, QUIT BEING SO GREEDY WITH THE GINGER! LEARN TO SHARE HER WITH HER FAMILY! JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T GET ALONG WITH SOMETHING IN MICHIGAN DOESN'T MEAN YOU HAVE TO BE AS FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE!! MICHIGAN WILL NEVER DISAPPEAR SO GET OVER IT!

*sigh* OK. I feel a bit better now. Ginger Marrie, all I want is for you to be happy, and if David does it then I want you to stay with him. Not like it's even my choice, but just do what makes you happy. You know I'm always here for you. We all love you Ginger Marrie.