OK: Today is Wednesday, March 2nd, and in exactly 1 hour from now, i will be sitting in the Mid-Michigan Oral Surgery waiting room...then they will take me to a room, make me breath in "funny" gas, then stick a needle in my arm, put an i.v. in it, and put me to sleep for an unknown amount of time...during this time, they will cut me open, take out my 4 wisdom teeth, at the same time, stitch me up, release me from the i.v., let me wake up, and then make tony take me home. I've never had surgery that they had to put me to sleep, and if i did, i don't remember, and it isn't important. I am scared out of my mind, that people will make me hurt on purpose just because god made us humans have these teeth of which they call wisdom teeth, that will eventually rot, that is, if they come in correctly and if you have a big mouth...which i don't have, i have a rather small mouth, and my wisdom teeth are coming in a dreadfull wrong way. Have i mentioned i'm kinda scared?????
*sigh* i guess i'll just hope the pain killers work ok...nothing but apple sause, chocholate pudding and ice cream for me for a couple of days. *sigh again*